so you're leaving in the morning on the early train i could say everything's alright and i could pretend and say goodbye
you got your ticket you got your suitcase you got your leaving smile i could say thats the way it goes i could pretend and you won't know that i was lying
cuz i can't stop loving you i can't stop loving you no i can't stop loving you though i tried
we took a taxi to the station not a word was said i saw you walk across the road for maybe the last time i dont know
i'm feeling humble i heard a rumble on the railway tracks and when i hear that whistle blow i walked away and you won't know that i was crying
cuz i can't stop loving you no i can't stop loving you i just can't stop loving though i tried
i just can't stop loving you no i can't stop loving you i just can't stop loving you why do i try why do i try
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