1. I once had no fears, none at all
And then when I had some
To my surprise, I grew to like both
Scared or brave without them.
The thrill of fear
Thought I'd never admit it
The thrill of fear
Now greatly enjoyed with courage.
When I once was untouchable
Innocence roared, still amazes
When I once was innocent
It's still here but in different places.
2. Neurosis only attaches itself to
Fertile ground where it can flourish.
The thrill of fear
Thought I'd never admit it
The thrill of fear
Now greatly enjoyed with courage.
When I once was fearless
Innocence roared, still amazes
Untouchable, innocence
It's still here but in different places.
3. Fear is a powerful drug
Overcome it and you think that
Innocence (Simian Mobile Disco Remix) lyrics on ChiaSeNhac.com
You can do anything.
Should I save myself
For later or generously give?
Fear of losing energy is draining
It locks up your chest
Shuts down the heart miserly and stingy
Let's open up, share.
When I once was fearless
Innocence roared, still amazes
Untouchable, innocence
It's still here but in different places.
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